Awards Page


The Beloz Award

Presented November 27, 2011

The Beloz Award

Hello Supporter of Veterans and our Troops,

I recently visited your website to review its content and was amazed by the care that you took to honor our Veterans past and present. Please accept my Father’s award for all you do to support our Veterans and our Troops. Thank you for taking the time to Honor them and Never forgetting them.

Ruby Alexandra Beloz

Maritime WebAward

Presented September 7, 2006

Silver Award from Maritime Web Awards

Thanks for telling us about the great website covering the story of the USS OKLAHOMA CITY. The website is a fine tribute to a vessel that sailed through some of the most turbulent events of the 20th century. For former shipmates and maritime naval historians, your site must prove a valuable resource and link point.

We are delighted to grant our SILVER award to your website, as a token of the huge effort and data gathering that has clearly gone on in providing so much information to visitors.

The Maritime Web Awards exist purely to recognise and promote those maritime websites around the world that freely inform and interest the general public about the positive aspects of the maritme world today or its history. So often, those who spend so much of their free time creating such maritime masterpieces are only rewarded with a few nice comments in their guestbooks, so in order to encourage and congratulate the webmasters, we are delighted to be able to attach the Award symbol.

Fly With Eagles Award

Presented January 27, 2003

Hart Award

I have just finished visiting your web site and am pleased to tell you that your web page has been selected to receive the "FLY WITH EAGLES" award presented by HART Enterprises.

This award was implemented because in 1984, as the result of an accident while serving as an officer on active duty with the US Army, I became a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the chest down. In a veterans hospital for 10 months, I was among many young men struggling to put a sense of worth back into their lives. I always admired our national symbol, the bald eagle, for its strength, courage and beauty, and its ability to soar on the slightest of winds. It was what those of us in the hospital were trying to do - muster up the strength and courage to live our lives with the least amount of help.
Now I am in a position financially, physically, and spiritually to recognize others for their efforts. Thus, the "Fly With Eagles" award was born. We surf the net looking for worthy web pages. And, in some cases, web pages are recommended to us.
Your respect for proper NET ETHICS and your ability to display your web page in a LOGICAL, INFORMATIVE, and CREATIVE format places you among only a handful of web masters that have received this award.
God Bless You

Bruce Hart
Life Member of the Paralyzed Veterans of America and
the Disabled American Veterans

Quartermaster's Award

Presented April 23, 2002

Quartermaster's Award
Diane Day has created a touching tribute to the
USS Savage and to her late father's military career.

Our editors have selected your site as one of the best military sites on the Web. recognizes your website as a valued resource for the military community.

Jake's Yankee Station Big E Award
Presented on September 24, 1999

Jake of 'Jake's 'Yankee Station' wishes to honor the "USS Oklahoma City CL-91 CLG-5 CG-5 Tribute Site" with it's 'prestigious' Big E award for Website Excellence on a Naval Theme.'

Your site was reviewed for originality, expression of Theme, usefulness of information, graphic design, and was found to add an outstanding artistic flair, careful and concise design, and which contains a wealth of information. Your site only enhances the originality of our Internet Naval Ships and Naval Theme Sites community. Job well done! You certainly have earned it.

Your Award is a numbered award, and no other site will possess this Unique Award, and your site has been awarded Award #36. Display it proudly, shipmate!

May all who come to visit your Site be equally touched, and moved by your tribute to this ship, but more so, to those men who served in her. As it has been said, a ship is only a ship, when her crew is aboard. Your site was very artfully appointed and there was found no doubt whatsoever, as to the worthiness of your Website to claim this Award. I feel your site is a Mark above the average on the WWW, and your non-cluttered pages, the direct pointing to the objective of your site is noteworthy.

You should stand proud of this Website; and I hail you and your contributors; this award is for you all.I hope you will display the "Big E" Award with pride. The Big E is Navy in originality. E stands for Efficiency and Excellence. Ships are judged during trials, ORI's (Operations Readiness Inspection by the Fleet Admirals) and also during training. It isn't ever easy for a ship and crew to win this award, and so, it must also be true with those who seek this 'Big E Award."

Congratulations on a job well done!

Home And Hearth Award of Excellence

Home And Hearth
Award of Excellence
Presented September 10, 1999

"I was very impressed by all the hard work you have put into the site and have to congratulate you on a wonderful achievement in web site design.

I would like to extend my congratulations on producing a very visually appealing, informative and resourceful web site dedicated to the USS Oklahoma City and the men that served on her for all your visitors to enjoy. An excellent addition to the web, one that you should be very proud of."

Dave's Home Port Top Navy Site Award

Dave's Home Port
Top Navy Site Award
Presented June 2, 1999

Award of Honor

USS Harlan R. Dickson Award of Honor
Presented March 21, 1999

Military Pride Award
Hilopilot's Military Pride Award.
Presented on February 21, 1999.

Orchid Award
Orchid Award for Page Excellence
Presented March 9, 1999.

Featured Site Award

Pentagon Featured Site Award Presented February 6, 1999.

Quality Award

Pentagon Quality Award
Presented January 17, 1999.

Site Inspect Award

Pentagon Site Inspection Award
Presented January 3, 1999

Spirit Of Ships Award
Spirit of Ships Plaque

Spirit Of Ships Award
Presented September 24, 1998
